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Email: info@gogreenlightway.com
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Waiting for Superman – How can you shine your Green Light on our education system?

Life in the School of Hard Knocks – in the U.S.A. The future of our nation? Closely connected to the success of our education system. The award-winning documentary, “Waiting for Superman,” sounds a clear and powerful wake-up call for America. (See the DVD for updates.) One alarming fact in many: for graduation rates, among 28 industrialized nations, the U.S. ranks #20.

This wide-ranging, developing disaster is a three-Red-Light/worst case condition. Unbelievable dropout rates – at astonishingly young ages. Illiteracy.  Doors of opportunity locked before children even have a chance to knock. Let us wake up, stand up and aim our Greenest intentions to addressing this unacceptable, un-American situation.

What can YOU do, with your creativity, your Green Light heart – and your Green Light ACTIONS? Let us work to remedy and to reverse this failure to serve our most vulnerable – and our very future.

Sustain the land of the free and the home of the brave by helping to assure we educate our next generation. NOW. Thank you – on behalf of those children, their families, our future – and the American dream.

Go to WaitingforSuperman.com for more information.