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Email: info@gogreenlightway.com
Phone: 206.200.7212


Get breakthroughs NOW!  Products by Marilyn Schoeman

GO! Green Light Way GO! How to Think Speak and ACT to Make Good Things Happen. A quantum leap beyond positive thinking, GO! guides you to specific conscious, constructive ACTION. Discover Green Light®, a new landmark tool – a global language, a mind technology. READ MORE Get your book “GO!”
Get your eBook “GO! (Digital PDF compatible with Kindle, Nook, iPad etc.


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In Development:
Free download at Apple & Android stores.
BOFF-O!™  Brain on Fast Forward App
Expands your creative thinking. Create breakthroughs in an instant!
Mission: Create the greatest good, for the most people, in the best way, for the longest time.
In Development:
 (Brain On Fast Forward), the Board Game! Fun. Fast! Create radical breakthroughs, astonishing solutions! Super-charge your brain. Catapult your creativity!
BOFF-O!® Brain On Fast Forward, board game.
Breakthroughs on the spot! BOFF-O!™ equips your mind for creativity and innovation. Game includes 64 multi-use card deck, game pieces, timer and BOFF-O! Bucks. Turn yourself into a think tank by shifting your brain to fast forward! Use by yourself and in groups. Discover solutions, insights and opportunities. Deal yourself a whole new world of possibilities. (GE got an amazing breakthrough for a major challenge in just minutes!) Great for businesses, boardrooms, education, entrepreneurs – everyone who wants fresh, efficient, effective thinking – NOW!  BOFF-O! builds collaboration and fosters innovation. Green Light® successes flow from BOFF-OStart exploring the millions of options at your fingertips.


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