Green Light® – How To Use It
Green Light Scale™
Use the traffic signal metaphor to identify WHERE YOU ARE AND WHERE YOU WANT TO BE. GREEN LIGHT HELPS YOU GET THERE. Using the Green Light Scale™ of three Red Lights to three Green ones, you can GO! from the worst case toward the Ideal Scenario. With this new awareness you can choose the Green actions that move you forward. Green Light guides you to make conscious choices of specific language and actions.
Red Light Style Focused on: Obstacles Dislikes Can we…? (NO!) Victim Fizzle Status quo |
GreenLight Style Focused on: Objectives Preferences How can we…? Victor Sizzle Status? GO! |
Think, Speak and ACT the Green Light Way
The Green Light Goal:
Create the greatest good, in the best way, for the most people, for the longest time.