Client Achievements
Results when applying Green Light:
Tools presented included Green Light® and/or BOFF-O!® (Brain On Fast Forward). Tailored services range from keynotes and seminars to individual and team coaching. As a business consultant and creativity catalyst, Marilyn facilitates breakthroughs across the board – for products, processes, operations, profitability and sales and marketing.
Rockwell International. Gaining more suggestions, refining production. A group of 400 employees providing went from generating 4 ideas in a year to hundreds, one saving $195,000.
DSHS (Department of Health/Human Services). Enhancing teambuilding, effectiveness with clients, achieving goals with new limited budgets.
Heery International. Generating a wide range of new markets (Facility, infrastructure work) and new strategies to achieve current goals.
ReDe: Egypt Improving current business strategies, devising new ones for their fields. (Multi-national petroleum and banking participants)
Galt Alloys. Enhancing communication, safety and work relationships.
Helsinki University. Re-inventing personal and professional life. (Public event)
Yan Shan University. Growing entrepreneurial abilities and opportunities.
DuPont. Solving product creation/production challenges.
Department of Labor. Gaining tools for dealing with change effectively.
NAPM (Nat’l Assn. of Purchasing Mgmt.) Finding ways to cut costs and maintain value services.
Nat’l Association of Electrical Distributors. Staying innovative, handling safety issues effectively.
Harborview Medical Center. Making good decisions, communicating effectively in challenging, time-critical situations.
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