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Monthly Archives: April 2011

What Green Light ACTION can you take now, to change a Red Light situation?

“Future people will wonder why we endured so many evils we had the power to change.” Ashleigh Brilliant, Pot Shots.  Let us be the people who take action to change one of these situations NOW.

What is one Red Light condition, location, person or group in need, etc. that you care deeply about? What is one Green Light action you can take – this week – that will impact that? This can be anything – talking to someone to spread awareness, writing a letter to the editor, making a phone call or setting up a get-together to choose a course of action. When we light a candle for a good cause, the flame is Green.

Green Light in ACTION!

If you want a total treat and to be amazed watch this!!!
Thanks to Catherine Kane for in play here it is that someone saw two people with remarkable talents and thought they should connect and see what they might co-create. Then the person took the key step that’s so often missed – ACTION. S/he connected them. They then proceeded to create magic in the moment. This is classic Green Light creativity – ACTION. (Green Light®: all the good stuff, Red Light: the ungood stuff.

Waiting for Superman – How can you shine your Green Light on our education system?

Life in the School of Hard Knocks – in the U.S.A. The future of our nation? Closely connected to the success of our education system. The award-winning documentary, “Waiting for Superman,” sounds a clear and powerful wake-up call for America. (See the DVD for updates.) One alarming fact in many: for graduation rates, among 28 industrialized nations, the U.S. ranks #20.

This wide-ranging, developing disaster is a three-Red-Light/worst case condition. Unbelievable dropout rates – at astonishingly young ages. Illiteracy.  Doors of opportunity locked before children even have a chance to knock. Let us wake up, stand up and aim our Greenest intentions to addressing this unacceptable, un-American situation.

What can YOU do, with your creativity, your Green Light heart – and your Green Light ACTIONS? Let us work to remedy and to reverse this failure to serve our most vulnerable – and our very future.

Sustain the land of the free and the home of the brave by helping to assure we educate our next generation. NOW. Thank you – on behalf of those children, their families, our future – and the American dream.

Go to WaitingforSuperman.com for more information.