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Monthly Archives: June 2011

Green Light tip for today

Your Green Light style shows when you set a goal for excellence rather than perfection.


The evolution of Green Light.

I have loved being able to think.  My work has been a source of delight in seeing my ideas implemented. After some time I began to realize that I was so in my head, I wasn’t connected to my heart. This is another way of saying I was doing a lot of thinking and not very much feeling. Feeling/emotion is energy to fuel creative action. The rational is often well-served by blending with the emotional.

I’ve done lots of reading, taken lots of seminars and had a variety of experiences that have lead me to feel and really get the bigger picture of an idea. Our thoughts and our feelings each have gifts for us. Combining them magnifies the power of our ideas.


I am experiencing the joy of hearing others speak of having similar experiences. One person called “GO!the book of Green Light, a hand book for magicians! He’s extraordinarily excited about the continuous insights and resulting shifts that are occurring as Green Light becomes a more natural way of living his life. He’s changing from efforts focused on being aware of the color of his thoughts and actions, to having Green Light simply flow as his new natural style.

Green Light can become a gradual and natural shifting into a way of being that flows from our feelings to our thinking, to Green Light action.


An amazing shortcut,  Green Light equips you to leap-frog from wherever you are into a Greener space. You will be able to shift very quickly. My long and circuitous route to go from whatever Red places I was in years ago when I began this process (one, two and sometimes three Red Lights)  shifted to where I am now in a very bright Green space with many 3 Green Light signals.

You make a quantum leap ahead in the moments – or more – that it takes to really comprehend how profound it is have a new tool to view life from the clarifying and empowering Red Light/Green Light perspective.

From there the magnitude of the shift keeps expanding. It’s like the switch from the time consuming, intensive work, writing a research paper for a college course years ago, and doing it now using the internet.  Today you can go from concept to information and insight very quickly, often in minutes. Green Light is the same kind of quantum shift. Quite literally in an instant it can shift the way you think, speak, act, feel – and live.

So – GO! Create more Green Light signals – and enjoy your Greener life – and the Green contributions you make in the world.

–  Marilyn Schoeman


Examples of Green Light in ACTION!

You really show your Green Light style when you choose to:

1. Commend someone for something they do, rather than reprimanding someone for something they didn’t do.
2. Spread the good word about someone’s achievement, rather than gossip about someone’s failure.
3. Enjoy the sunshine when it’s there, instead of lament that it won’t last.
4. Appreciate the time a friend called, rather than regret the time they didn’t.
5. Make wise choices from a broad perspective, rather than enforce the rules the most rigid way.